Subject: With heartfelt gratitude from the Diocese of Kannur, India.
Dear Jonn, (Note: Webmaster of Catholic Doors Ministry)
It was Rev. Fr. Antony Pius Edezhath, one of our good priests, with whom you have had contact since some time, who gave me your email id.
After the transfer of my predecessor, Bishop Varghese Chakkalakal to the Diocese of Calicut, on February 1, 2014, Holy Father Pope Francis appointed me as the Bishop of Kannur.
The episcopal ordination was on March 23, and since I am new to this area, my priority has been to visit all the parishes within two months, and I hope to meet that target by May 23rd, since there are only 6 more parishes for me to visit.
Though I wanted to write to you earlier, somehow I just could not, and I hope you will excuse.
Sincerely I appreciate the work of the Catholic Doors Ministry, and in a special way for your assistance to Fr. Pius by way of Mass stipends.
Be sure of my prayers for you and your collaborators. May the Good Lord continue to shower his abundant blessings upon all of you.
May I request your prayers for this mission Diocese of Kannur.
With cordial greetings, I remain,
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop Alex Vadakumthala
Bishop Alex Vadakumthala
Bishop's House,
Chovva P.O., Kannur-670006
Kerala, India
(5 Nov 1998 Appointed - 15 May 2012 Appointed, Bishop of Calicut)
Most Reverend Bishop Varghese Chakkalakal
1st Bishop appointed for Kannur, Kerala, India.